Archival Library

Research possibilities at the Labor & Industry Museum are endless. Information which has never been available to the general public will be just a click away. The museum uses a software program specifically designed for museums -- Past Perfect. It is very user friendly, and the Photo and Archive Sections will be of special interest to researchers and genealogists. Also available is a Library and an Object Section. Patent information at this time is available on paper only.

Over several years, 4,580 archival pieces have been catalogued. Archival records include product catalogues, diaries, letterheads, bill statements, ads, and brochures. Commemorative pieces such as anniversary booklets, store tags, school memorabilia, public records, wage logs, union/local minutes, dues books and historical articles gleaned from newspapers and magazines, etc. can also be found in the archive.

The following is a brief sampling of the items catalogued in our archival library.