Labor Leaders

Donny Schmeder
Labor Historian, Speaker, & Labor Activist
"I never fight for a cause to try to change my enemies -- I fight to keep my enemies from changing me."
Labor historian, speaker and labor activist. Donny came from a Union heritage spanning four generations.
Member IBEW Local 390: Health & Welfare Trustee. Self-taught student of Labor Law. Organized grade school level speakers bureau on labor history.
Devoted to promoting the men and women who built our nation and who maintain its mines, plants and services

Hans Schwarz
Newspaper Editor & Union Leader
Schwarz was a newspaper editor trained in Germany. He immigrated to America in 1883 and to Belleville in 1884. A year later, he established the "Arbeiter Zeitung" a German language newspaper which a year later became a daily. He published the paper until 1915. His ideas were of great interest to recent German immigrants and he was quite outspoken on labor issues -- to the point of being beaten and vilified.
In 1892 he was elected President of Typographical Union #18 and in 1907 he was elected Secretary of the Illinois Association of German-American Pres.

Aloys Towers
AFL Organizer & VP Illinois State Federation of Labor
Member Moulders Local #182.
Officer from 1878 - 1937.
1913 elected VP Illinois State Federation of Labor - an organization he served for 27 years.
1912-1918 Secretary, Belleville Trades and Labor Assembly.
Republican candidate for Illinois State Representative 1930
Member Moulders Local #182.
Officer from 1878 - 1937.
1913 elected VP Illinois State Federation of Labor - an organization he served for 27 years.
1912-1918 Secretary, Belleville Trades and Labor Assembly.
Republican candidate for Illinois State Representative 1930